Saturday, October 1, 2011


Tonight is Britney Spears concert, the day is finally arrived and I am so happy that I'm gonna be there. There were so many complications with me going on this concert and I was afraid to the last day that something will go wrong. Now I'm so excited and I can't wait for tonight. My teenage dreams will come true tonight...haha. I love Britney since I first heard Baby one more time, I was collecting posters, news papers articles...everything related to Britney. If someone have told me that I will see her live back then I would be crazy happy!!
I'm really excited and I hope everything will be as planed and that I will have great time!!!


  1. nadam se da ćeš se super provest ;-D
    meni je baby one more time još uvijek zakon za sve njene stvari :-D

  2. Nadam se da hoću, evo sad za koju minutu krećem u Zagreb :)


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