Sunday, March 24, 2013

Pretty Little Liars and Bunheads - end of season

Pretty Little Liars ended Season 3 few days ago. I was never a big fan of the show because I always have a feeling that the plot is going nowhere but somehow I got interested after summer finale and Halloween episode. I can even say that I enjoyed most episodes and I thought that we might actually get some answers. That didn't happen and after all build up there was a disappointing finale of the season. Second part of the season was good. There was few surprises and the plot got very complicated but interesting. In the last episode of the season where they were supposed to give us some answers, but they only mixed up everything little  bit more and the big questions remain unanswered. I get that this is a mystery show and that we will always have some questions but the part I don't like is that it always seams that the writers avoid to revile important things. Sometimes it gets pretty annoying that every single character is a suspect and that we never know anything for sure. First everything was about black hoodie , after they ( kind of  ) revealed that everything is about red coat. I wonder for how long this can go on...Imagine that after season 6 or 7 nobody knows who is -A or A-team, is Alison alive and why is someone torturing the girls in first place. I don't think a lot who could be behind everything because literally anyone could be the killer or -A but what I would like to know is the story and explanation behind it.  

Bunheads is completely different TV show from Pretty Little Liars. I really love this one because it is so relaxing and it reminds me of Gilmore Girls. Bunheads started last summer and their first season continued at the beginning of the year. I love how everything was going on and I'm looking forward to season 2. This is something I can watch with a smile on my face with likable characters and leisurely atmosphere. I like that the second part of the season got little bit deeper and there was more attention on characters and their relations. If you looking to watch something happy and positive, this is your TV show!

Do you watch PLL and / or Bunheads?


  1. Meni su vec PLL izasle na vrh nosa, ziva sam se smorila gledajuci sad ovu zadnju ep. u sezoni,naravno nigdje nikakvih odgovora, i kao sto ti vec rece, sve se sad vrti oko crvenog kaputica.Sto je najgore gledacu i novu sezonu kad pocne jer navucem se iako me nerviraju, i oni i V. Diaries.Ko je A, ko i zasto ih maltretira, zasto bi to neko cinio ako je Alison stvarno mrtva, zasto bi Alison njih gnjavila ako je zapravo ziva...i jos sto pitanja i nigdje odgovora, ako je i misterija,previse je :-) Ako ovako nastave docekacemo milion epizoda kao Santa Barbare,a nigdje odgovora.
    Voljela sam Gilmorice, ne znam za tu drugu seriju,ali ako kazes da te podsjeca, potrazicu je da gledam :-)

  2. Pll već odavno ne pratim,upravo zbog toga što su toliko sve zapetljali da mislim da se neče ni sami znati ispetljati iz svega toga.....
    A ako je ova druga serija slična Gilmoricama,definitivno ću je pogledati,jer njih obožavam ;)

  3. Bunheads je super serijica, baš za opuštanje. Ima atmosferu Gilmorica a i dosta glumaca iz Gilmorica se i ovdje pojavljuje.
    PLL su napor al eto ja ne odustajem :) Nadam se da će uskoro završiti jer se ja drugačije neću riješiti te serije :D


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