Saturday, March 2, 2013

MUA lipsticks: Shade 4 and 16

MUA recently had 50% off + free shipping and I just like so many others couldn't resist. Today I will show you swatches of two lipstick that I got and hopefully in a few days you will see the rest ( I would already post everything but these swatches are giving me hard time   ). Me and my cousin made one order together and we love everything we got! My two lipstick are in shade 4 and 16. Both of them contain 3.6 g, they are easy to apply and they last for decent amount of time. They don't dry out your lips.

Shade 4

Shade 4 is pink and it is not very pigmented. It is almost like a lip balm which has little bit of color. With that being said I can honestly say that I absolutely love this lipstick. It is perfect for day, it gives you "my lips but better look" and I'm wearing it almost every single day since I got it. This is something you can wear when you don't have any makeup, but it also works with simple day makeup look. If you looking for something bold skip this one but if you want something that keeps it very simple try Shade 4.

Shade 16 Nectar

I already mentioned that swatches of MUA products lately were p.i.t.a. and Shade 16 i the reason why tonight is fourth attempt to make this post. I'm not satisfy with this swatch at all but I'm giving up ( you can see the color exactly the way it is on first and last picture in this post ). Shade 16 also known as Nectar is really pretty coral shade. It is bright and it will be great for spring and summer. I'm not feeling it with this cloudy weather but once sun finally comes out this will be beautiful shade to wear day and night. When I did wore it I had tiny bit of clear lip gloss over it because it looks much better that way. 

Another cool thing about MUA lipsticks is that you can chip off the bottom to find a pot where you can find more lipstick! You can reach it with your finger or better lipstick brush.

Did you tried MUA lipsticks? What is your favorite shade? 


  1. Imam nijansu 4 i mene je razočarala. Mislila sam da će biti hot pink i na usnama, ali eto, trebala sam prvo pogledati neke swatcheve, a ne naručiti na temelju izgleda ruža. No to na stranu, kao što si sama rekla, savršen je za svaki dan jer izgleda na usnama kao labelo u boji. I to je OK. Inače imam 5 njihovih ruževa i volim ih. Makar su ih istisnuli trenutno Avonovi Perfect Kiss ruževi. Ali kad mi dosade, imam se čemu vratiti :D

    1. Kad sam naručivala i ja sam mislila da će biti jači ali mi je sestrična rekla da nije tak da mi nije bilo iznenađenje. Ovako nešto mi trenutno odgovara tako da sam ja jako zadovoljna.

  2. oba izgledaju odlicno :)
    volela bih da probam mua ruzeve :)

  3. Kazi mi molim te kada ti je stigao paket od MUA-e? Meni još nije, a naručila sam isto za vrijeme te akcije :( Sviđa mi se ovaj drugi ruž... mislim da sam i njega isto naručila :D

    1. Stiglo mi je prije nekih 10 dana a naručili smo u zadnjim satima akcije. Mislim da je bilo stvarno puno paketa i da dosta toga ovisi i koliko se paket zadrži na carini, valjda će ti brzo stići.

  4. boje su prekrasne i na tvojim usnama ne izgledaju tako inzetivno kao sam ruz

    1. Nijansa 4 je stvarno takva kao na mojim usnama, dok je nijansa 16 puno intenzivnija!


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