Thursday, April 3, 2014

How I Met Your Mother - the end ( spoiler alert! )

One of the most popular sitcoms ended few days ago. How I Met Your Mother was fun and funny show that lasted for 9 seasons. 9 seasons is a lot for any show so this one like most of them slowly went downhill after Season 5 and S6. However those first seasons were in Barney's words legendary!

...and I'm probably right when I say that everyone saw at least one episode of HIMYM or watched it regularly at some point. There is something in that 5,6 or 7 friends set up that works really well. How I Met Your Mother had great moments and they had jokes that everyone knows. To me they were never like the ultimate sitcom Friends but they were definitely on right track. I love all characters, mostly as a group but my favorite was Barney.

Like I said 9 seasons is a lot and at some point writers are out of good ideas and show looses it's sparkle. That happened to HIMYM. I could completely ignore that and say Oh, well... but the final of the show was one of worst finals of any show. Ever.

I mean WTF?? What were they thinking? Ending where mother dies and Ted ends up with Robin!?! Mother who everybody was waiting because that was the concept of the show. Now mother is just a random character and Ted ends up with Robin who clearly states " I don't love your Ted"  million times...And who's wedding we were watching entire season. Not to mention that mother is really sweet and the actual moment when they meet is beautiful. If that scene was the last one it would be perfect!
In the end it seems that we were watching How I Met Your STEPMOTHER the whole time. I don't know, I liked the show, especially first 5-6 seasons but ending like this one is just bad.

What do you think?


  1. Mrrrrzim kraj ove serije!!! Nadam se da mi ju nisi upropastili zauvijek i za vijeke vjekova jer ju želim opet gledati jednog dana. Doduše, ako ću je opet gledati, stati ću nakon 4. sezone, jer je meni tad sve o'šlo downhill! Serija je bila preeedobra prvih sezona, i onda su počeli spajati Robin i Barneyja i blah! I ne razumijem što su htjeli postići!!! Samo su sve upropastili raspadanjem ekipe! Dobro, da, ljudi se ožene, imaju djecu i nemaju više vremena svaki dan biti navečer u birtiji, ali nisu ih morali ni tako raspasti. Robin je ispala kuja što nije, Lily su sveli na majku i nisu ni spomenuli njezinu karijeru i onu godinu u Italiji, Ted je upoznao savršenu ženu koja je UMRLA i kao poanta je da on to priča tako da može otići na dejt s Robin. Daaaaj me nemoj jeeee*at! I baš to, cijela sezona se vrti oko vjenčanja, i onda im se brak raspadne nakon tri godine. Ma ubili su seriju. Cijelo vrijeme sam gledala i nadala se da će biti "dobro, to je netko ružno sanjao" i onda bam, happy end zauvijek :D Sorry na podugačkom komentaru, stvarno su me naljutili :p

    1. Slažem se s tobom, posebno za ovo sa Lily i Robin.
      Meni je finale bilo upropašteno nakon prvih par minuta kad su rekli da su se ovi razveli i onda jop ono za kraj....


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