Latest Essence trend edition is The Little X-Mas Factory. These products are picked by my husband, he was on little trip and this was his gift for me. He literally picked these in 10 seconds but still makeup is something that can make a girl happy and I love everything here.
I'm going to start with nail polishes. First one is I Still Believe In Santa Claus which is golden nail polish. I have a few golden nail polishes in my stash and this one is definitely unique. This is not usual yellow gold...dirty gold comes in my mind and I hope you know what I mean :) It looks very nice and shimmery on nails. It is very opaque, I applied only one coat for pic below. It dries quickly.
Next one is pink called Santa Baby. Very pretty cream, I didn't go trough my stash but I'm sure I have few pinks which are very close to this one if not exactly the same. However, it is always great to have pink polish around so I don't mind and I'm gladly adding Santa Baby to my collection. It applies easily and it is opaque with only one coat. You can see that on pic bellow.
When you have Christmas collection you got to have a green in it. This one is called Meet Me Under The Mistletoe. It looks darker then I thought it would on my nails but it is still very pretty. This one also has great opacity but I applied 2 coats in the end because it looked little bit better then one coat.Like previous two nail polishes it applies easily and dries quickly. Each contains 8 ml of product.

After I showed you nail polishes let's look at lip products. First one is liptint called All I Want For X-Mas Is You. When you look at the bottle, you can easily replace it for nail polish but it is actually a lip product. You apply product on your lips with a brush like any other lipgloss. I admit it is little bit unusual, probably because it reminds me on nail polish bottle but it is actually very easy to work with it. When it comes to product itself, it reminds me on lip gloss we used back in high school, it gives you very little color on your lips. It stains your lips so when it dries it is not glossy, it just gives you refreshed look. I can see that some girls will be disappointed with something like that because it doesn't do much but to me it is actually helpful product. I'm always in a hurry so sometimes is good to have something that brings little bit of life to my lips haha. The color is pink, there is 6.5 ml of product in the bottle.

Next lip product is lip balm. I always love these lip balms in the pot, they are too cute. This one is called Merry Kissmas. I love every single Essence lip balm I tried and I think I will love this one too. It feels nice on my lips, it doesn't dry them out. It is nurturing and translucent. There is 11.75 g of product in the pot.
Last product today is eyeshadow palette. It contains five baked eyeshadow. Total is 9, 78 g.
The colors are natural, earthy tones. Very good pick for your Christmas makeup look. I used them only once but I like the pigmentation of these eyeshadows. With base they were on my lids all day long. On last pic you can see my swatches, you can see they look pretty good.
Did you tried anything From The Little X-Mas Factory? Which is your favorite product?