Showing posts with label true blood. Show all posts
Showing posts with label true blood. Show all posts

Saturday, September 8, 2012

TV show summer: True Blood, Bunheads, Pretty Little Liars, Dallas and Teen Wolf

Time for quick summer TV shows recap! There are some SPOILERS!

True Blood

When I look back at True Blood Season 5 I can say that I'm happy with it. Season 5 is not the best True Blood season at all but I think it is much better then season 4. Season 4 was in my opinion really messy and all that mess was still there at the beginning of the season 5. There was too many characters and too many stories. At the middle of the season and towards the end all the stories start to have more sense and they started to complement each other. ( Still I don't see the point of Arlene and Terry but fine, I can live with that. ) Season finale was good even though I don't like that Bill now became Billith I have no idea how will they make him "normal" after everything that has happened. My favorite thing about season finale is that old Lafayette is finally back. All that brujo staff was totally unnecessary.
The most important thing about True Blood to me is that this is fun show to watch. I just love all crazy dialog and situations. That is still here. Eric, Pam and Jessica were great as always but characters that made me laugh the most this season were Russel and Steve. I'm looking forward to the season 6 next summer.


Bunheads is one of new TV shows this summer. I love it, it is very happy and relaxing show. Very summer appropriate. As much as I like it I wish that there is more attention to the characters and their relations, you can't base the hole episode on coffee machine. I like that this show is so sugary but I hope season 2 will be little bit deeper. 

Pretty Little Liars

I have such a love/hate relationship with this show. I hate that they go in circles all the time and that they don't every relieve anything important. Then again, there is something about it that keeps me watching.  Finally after two seasons they have to give some answers, and I have to admit that the end of finale episode was shocking to me. I really didn't see it coming. I still think there's a catch behind big revelation but they have my attention and I'm looking forward to Halloween episode and second part of the season. 


Dallas is also one of new TV shows this summer. I've seen the first season and I seriously doubt that I will continue to watch it ( Season 2 is coming in midseason ).  Most of the time this show was annoying, there was so many intrigues and one episode you have one thing going on and the next everything goes in different direction. In the morning everybody loves each other and by the night they stab each other in the back. At the times the show wasn't bad but this is too much for me. I'm not big soap lover and this is just not my kind of a show. Next!

Teen Wolf

One of the shows I was watching this summer was Teen Wolf. I love it and I'm not a shamed to admit it. Any more :D When this show came out last summer I said to myself there is no way that I will start to watch something that is called Teen Wolf. Besides, it is MTV bad could it be. Of course I crashed under pressure (but  to tell you the truth and I'm not just defending myself I'm easy to crash when it comes to TV shows). Before season 2 started I watched first season which was surprisingly good. There is no procrastination and the cast of this show is gorgeous. Acting in the other hand is not very good but nobody cares. I'm pretty sure that nobody is watching this because of the plot, if you know what I mean?

If you watch Teen Wolf you know that you have to adjust your expectations. Every now and then there is some epic trash scene ( cell phone in the pool was my favorite ) but all that is what makes so much fun. Season 3 is approved! I can't wait! 

What  were you watching this summer?

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

True blood end of Season 4

True blood Season 4 ended last Sunday. I will try to tell you what I think about this season without spoilers...because I really hate them and I don't want to ruin anything for those of you that still haven't seen new episodes. Opinions about this season of True blood are diverse. Some people loved the season, some hated it. I am somewhere in between...don't hate but I can't say that I love it eater. Beginning of the season was...well not what I expected to be but I liked it because it was fun, it was very relaxing for me to watch episode of True blood. Then as the episodes were going on I had a feeling that nothing much is happening, I think that you can easily describe first part of the season in two sentences. Second part of the season was better, even though there were many story lines that didn't had anything in common with main story line....makes me think are those stories and characters necessary?? Other thing that I dislike about this season is that some cliffhangers from Season 3 finale are barely mentioned, they just ignored some stories. In Season 4 finale there are again several cliffhangers and I wonder are they gonna be ignored in season 5 as well. Anyway, True blood maybe isn't the way it was in first two seasons but still it's different then so many other TV shows and I always like to watch it.  Season 4 finale was one of the best episodes this season and everything what happened  makes me eager to see True blood next summer.

Friday, June 24, 2011

True Blood Season 4 Premiere in Los Angeles

True Blood Season 4 Premiere took place on Tuesday in Los Angeles. All True Blood stars gather for the event. The HBO series starts at Sunday, I can't wait to see new episodes because True Blood is my favorite summer show. If you want to see promo pictures and videos click here!

Anna Paquin in Versus and Stephen Moyer

Rutina Wesley

Alexander Skarsgard

Monday, June 13, 2011

True blood first 6 minutes (part 2) + promo pictures

True blood Season 4 is almost here. I can't wait for June 26 to see first episode. Now while we are waiting for new episodes to come I am constantly watching promo pictures and videos. I want to share some pictures with you, they look pretty cool and very True blood, wright? Also second part of first six minutes is out, so check it out :)
If you never heard about this show or you did but you don't know do you want to start watching it I say Go on and just watch it, you won't be sorry!!

Sunday, May 29, 2011

True blood Season 4: First 3 minutes + promos + sneak peeks

True Blood Season 4 premieres June 26, 2011. I can't wait for new season to start. There has been a lot of promos, sneak peeks and what is most important: we can already see first 3 minutes of new season . It seams that in new season we will have to deal not just with vampires, shape shifters and we have to deal with witches and fairies.

Here are first 3 minutes of Season 4:

Clip looks very interesting, I don't know but in seams to me that fairies are not just fun and games (or maybe parties like they say in the clip) I have a feeling that there is something crazy and dark about them. Who knows, maybe I am wrong...luckily we will find out very soon.

Here are other promos and sneak peeks that I found:

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

True blood

Few weeks ago I started watching True blood. True blood is HBO tv show. For now there is 3 seasons, so far I watched first two and I can say that it is pretty good. It is different then any other tv show out there, there is love, hate, sex, humans, vampires, telepaths, shapeshifters and alot of BLOOD of corse.
Main character is Sookie Stackhouse playd by Anna Paquin. As you can imagine Sookie is in love with vampire Bill  (Stephen Myer) wich came to town, but ther is alot more in this series among the love story.

So if you have the chance to watch True blood don't miss thing is will shock you but it will also make you laugh.
What I find very interesting is that our love couple in the show is happily married in real life and also cast mamber Alexander Skarsgard ( playing role of vampire Eric) appered in Lady Gaga video Paparazzi back in 2009.

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