Wednesday, December 15, 2010

True blood

Few weeks ago I started watching True blood. True blood is HBO tv show. For now there is 3 seasons, so far I watched first two and I can say that it is pretty good. It is different then any other tv show out there, there is love, hate, sex, humans, vampires, telepaths, shapeshifters and alot of BLOOD of corse.
Main character is Sookie Stackhouse playd by Anna Paquin. As you can imagine Sookie is in love with vampire Bill  (Stephen Myer) wich came to town, but ther is alot more in this series among the love story.

So if you have the chance to watch True blood don't miss thing is will shock you but it will also make you laugh.
What I find very interesting is that our love couple in the show is happily married in real life and also cast mamber Alexander Skarsgard ( playing role of vampire Eric) appered in Lady Gaga video Paparazzi back in 2009.

1 comment:

  1. obožavam ovu seriju, pogledala sam sve 3 sezone i pročitala sam sve knjige... mogu reći da su mi knjige možda mrvicu draže, poprilično se razlikuju od serije. eric u knjigama mi je super, ali zato serija ima kralja vampira koji je tako opičen da se samo zbog njega isplati gledati... i čujem da se vraća u 4. sezoni!


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