Sunday, November 25, 2012

Miranda Kerr street style

For past few days I have trouble uploading my own photos to my blog, I don't know what is the reason for that but it is what kept me away from posting. Hopefully everything will resolve soon because I have few swatches and reviews to show you. Until then let's talk about something else. I love Miranda Kerr and her street style and to tell you the truth I have post like this on my mind for a very long time.
Miranda Kerr is not only stunning and beautiful Victoria's Secret Angel she is also very known for her amazing style. She is great on red carper but my favorite is to see her street style. She is always fashionable and interesting and she always manages to look great and you don't have a feeling that she is trying too hard. She looks so great and simple wearing animal print or leather which is something that not everyone can pull off. I'm always glad to see picture of her on the internet because I'm always curious to see what is she wearing. Even the simple skinny jeans and white blouse look amazing on her. 
What do you think about Miranda Kerr's style? Do you like it?


  1. Bas je slatka i meni se svidja. Da ne znam cime se bavi, mislila bih da je neka modna blogerka. Fino,opusteno, a opet privlacno i atraktivno.Kod nas nazalost jos uvijek vecina cura misli da je super ako se u sred bijelog dana uparade kao za vecernji izlazak, i sa kilo sminke popnu na stikle i tako hodaju po gradu, idu na kafu i sl.Modni bonton koji kod nas i nije bas razvijen.

  2. Moram priznati da mi se Mirandin red carpet stil uopće ne sviđa, previše mi je VS, ALI zato street style ;)... Minimum make up, jednostavna frizura, vrlo basic komadi koje zatim podigne sa nekim detaljem. Ima odlične, raznovrsne torbe, a ne samo hermes i chanel. Zaista djeluje vrlo neopterećeno i animal print na njoj opće ne djeluje jeftino :)

  3. She is beautiful, casual clothes look stunning on her!


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